Tufte and Few and the Human Connection

Edward Tufte and Stephen Few are frequently mentioned together. Several blog posts have talked about their similarities and even compared Tufte to God and Few to Moses, as Jorge Camoes did here.

Tufte would have preferred a simplistic bar plot, and may have enjoyed the first graph aesthetically. Few would have thought the colors and the lines were too distracting, and that the data would be better presented in a table.

Both these ideologies leave out the full human condition, although Tufte breaches it by appealing aesthetically, not just the merger of functionality and minimalism, but by creating it a thing of beauty it can be more appreciated.

However, if you add to the data the ability to interact with it, you can begin to connect more on a personal level with the data and you form a type of bond with it. Enter Shiny R.

Shiny R is a terrific way to embed interaction with your data. If you followed my previous post, you'll notice I promised a link to my shiny app, and here it is: https://sempervent.shinyapps.io/PlexMovieRatings/

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