Jason Voorhees Kills Per Movie
As an 80s horror film junkie, I wanted to know how Jason Voorhees's slasher tendency has changed over time. So I went through IMDB and found the reported deaths done by both Jason and secondary characters. I then compiled the data into a single .csv file, shown below:
## name part kills jasonkills ## 1 Friday the 13th (1980) 1 10 0 ## 2 Friday the 13th Part II 2 8 8 ## 3 Friday the 13th Part III 3 10 10 ## 4 Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter 4 13 13 ## 5 Friday the 13th: A New Beginning 5 19 0 ## 6 Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI 6 17 17 ## 7 Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood 7 15 15 ## 8 Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan 8 19 17 ## 9 Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday 9 26 23 ## 10 Jason X 10 26 24 ## 11 Friday the 13th (2009) 11 12 12 ## movie ## 1 Friday the 13th\n(1980) ## 2 Friday the 13th\nPart II ## 3 Friday the 13th\nPart III ## 4 Friday the 13th:\nThe Final Chapter ## 5 Friday the 13th:\nA New Beginning ## 6 Jason Lives:\nFriday the 13th\nPart VI ## 7 Friday the 13th\n Part VII:\nThe New Blood ## 8 Friday the 13th\n Parv VIII:\nJason Takes\nManhattan ## 9 Jason Goes to Hell\nThe Final Friday ## 10 Jason X ## 11 Friday the 13th\n(2009)
To find out how many people Jason himself killed, it was a simple process of summation using sum(dat$jasonkills)
to reveal:
## [1] 139
This compares with the total number of kills reaching
## [1] 175
Next, I simply renamed the movies using the '\n' spacer so the titles would be readable. Then, using the melt
function of the reshape2 package, I consolidated the data into something easily plotable:
## name part ## 1 Friday the 13th (1980) 1 ## 2 Friday the 13th Part II 2 ## 3 Friday the 13th Part III 3 ## 4 Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter 4 ## 5 Friday the 13th: A New Beginning 5 ## 6 Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI 6 ## movie variable value ## 1 Friday the 13th\n(1980) kills 10 ## 2 Friday the 13th\nPart II kills 8 ## 3 Friday the 13th\nPart III kills 10 ## 4 Friday the 13th:\nThe Final Chapter kills 13 ## 5 Friday the 13th:\nA New Beginning kills 19 ## 6 Jason Lives:\nFriday the 13th\nPart VI kills 17
Therefore there were 36 deaths in the Friday the 13th franchise not cauused by Jason.
Finally, some quick plotting in ggplot2 produced the following:
ggplot(m, aes(x=part, y=value, color=variable, shape=variable, fill=variable)) + geom_bar(stat='identity', position=position_dodge(), color='black') + geom_point(size=8) + geom_line() + nolines_tilt(12) + scale_x_continuous(labels=m$movie, breaks=m$part, name="") + ylab("On-Screen Deaths") + scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0,30,5)) + scale_color_manual(name="On-Screen Deaths", values=c("black", "red"), labels=c("Total Deaths", "Jason Kills")) + scale_shape_manual(name="On-Screen Deaths", values=c(1, 4), labels=c("Total Deaths", "Jason Kills")) + scale_fill_manual(name="On-Screen Deaths", values=c('grey', 'red4'), labels=c('Total Deaths', 'Jason Kills'))